973.376.5466 (LIMO)


Time Share Benefits

 Time Share Benefits
  • No waiting time charges
  • No AM fees
  • No Extra Stop charges
  • Book your time as normal in advance or on demand as services are available.
  • Great for General Aviation Flights where drivers are waiting on arrivals.
  • Built in Gratuity
  • Available for Sedan or SUV service.
  • Extra Service fees include

New Limousine Time Share

New Jersey Limo Finder understands that it’s time for the Limousine industry to change how we do business to move ahead into the future.

This is why we are rolling out our New Limousine time share service.

Are you buying a car to own? No! But you are buying the time you want to use it at discounted rates without the hassle of hiring your own driver and owning another vehicle.

This service is designed for those who travel to and from the airport several times a month, need a ride to and from New York City or to that special meeting. It’s a way to control your costs each month. We all know the travel spend is a very big part of your business life.

If you need a personal driver and want the security of knowing who is coming to and from you home this service is for you. Don’t let just anyone know your travel plans or that no one is home for the next week.

Because we are boutique you will get to know our staff and are welcome to interview them before the first ride.

How does it work?

Simple we will do a study of your past 12 month of travel by car services and come up with a personal discounted plan that works for you and your business.

You can use the plan to get to any location/destination you wish. Since you are purchasing blocks of time to use within a 30 day period you can choose how and when that time is used saving up to 30% of normal hourly rates. You can buy as little as 6 hours a month or as many as you like. Hours are prorated in 15 minutes units so your always fairly debited for the time that is used.

If you go over your allotted time we will simply bill you by the hour at normal rates or recharge your account for more time as you requested. Service available in New Jersey and to and From NYC or other destinations originating in New Jersey. New Jersey Sales Tax, Tolls, Parking, Fuel Surcharges may apply. Extra purchasing for in car items as requested i.e. in car meals etc. Please give us a call to discuss this unique program.

Contact information

What Airport do you frequent most?

Where do you travel too most?

Additional Information, Questions/Comments

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Copyright New Jersey Limo Finder LLC 2024