973.376.5466 (LIMO)


Ride Share for Local New Jersey Residents

What is ride share? For New Jersey Limo Finder Clients it is a pool of riders that often use car services for local rides. Destinations include Newark Airport rides, rides to the train, or to work in Manhattan on regular basis.

The idea is to match you with others in your community who share similar travel needs and times for work.

We will match you up with others then get both parties in touch with the other for approval. You can then accept or refuse a ride share partner. Or just simply allow us to match you up and introduce you. You can tell us who you would be most comfortable riding with if you wish. (Example single women who want to share the car with another single woman)

Never ride with a stranger and perhaps share some good conversations with others who live close by.

Billing is separate and on file so you never need to split the bill with the other passenger, we do it for you.

We pair you up in sets of two ride share partners and you get to cut the rate by up to 50% because each of you is paying half across the board. You may have several ride share partners.

When you reserve a Limo we will look for a ride share partner for that day in our reservations system to share the expense with. As more and more ride share partners reserve services on the same day and similar times your opportunity to save money increases.

If you can be flexible with your pick up times by up to 45 minutes you can save some money and make a few new local friends along the way.

This is a selective service. Currently we are simply rolling it out to ask for interested parties to sign up to be considered.

If you travel often, commute to NYC or have any other regular destinations you go to often such as Metro Park Train Station or Newark Penn station this service might work well for you.

New Jersey Limo Finder often goes to the same locations within a short period multiple times each and every day. You can use the service everyday with your ride share partners for work if you like or schedule with your ride share partner to use the service at recurring times and days of the week for work up to 30 days in advance.

This is just another way that New Jersey Limo Finder offer a personal service where other provider do not think outside the box!

Please use our sign up for below, you will be added to our mailing list. We encourage you to share our information here with others you know in your community


Contact information

What Airport do you frequent most?

Where do you travel too most?

Additional Information, Questions/Comments

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Copyright New Jersey Limo Finder LLC 2024